Monday, May 28, 2012

Making a new start

What  do you do when the people in your "real" life are less than encouraging to your efforts to stay healthy and active ?
After make that ....years of struggling I have come up with a new solution-.....turn to my great online friends !! After all, they are the ones who keep me sane in the rest of my life!
I hope that their support will encourage and motivate me and keep me accountable in my striving  to get and stay Fit and Fabulous!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

You would never believe it....

Well can't believe my best laid plans went astray in the very first week! My DH 's work closed down this last week and we are facing the prospect of relocating to Brisbane (away from our family). In all the emotional turmoil and upheaval that ensued -I did not meet even ONE of my new goals! So this fitness project will be on hold until we get over the move etc and are settled in Queensland....I WILL need to be fit and fabulous more hiding under big woolly jumpers! As the saying goes.....I'll be back!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Week 1

Here are my goals for this week....
*Get a haircut
*Go to the gym at least once
*Go for a 15 minute walk most days

An Initial Plan

Ok Well here is what I have thought of so far.....
On Sunday's I will set some goals for the week to come. and report and evaluate what I did the week before. I will link this to my facebook support group so that they can easily check up on me  and encourage/yell at me!
Friday will be "Get Outa Da House" day. Despite DH work shift or my work roster I will go somewhere and do something on Fridays even if it is just window shopping.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

How will I do it???

HaHa  The million dollar question!
I'm going away to think about this now!!
Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Where do I want to be??

I want to be mentally and physically healthy and strong into my older years
I want to be active and energetic
I want to lose a few kilos
I want to achieve balance and peace in my life
I want to feel motivated and excited about life
I  want to be more involved with people and to make new friends

Where am I now ?

Well I guess the first place to start is to identify where I am now ...
I am not grossly overweight but I would be happy to shed a few kilos.
My diet is reasonably good I think
I am active when I am at work- but find it hard to get interested in exercise or activity the rest of the time.
My DH would like for us both  to stay fit but cannot support me because he has the same motivation problems as I do. We like to go walking together  - but can't  seem to stick to any worthwhile routine in this.
I belong to a gym but cannot seem to find the motivation to go regularly.... but I do not want to cancel it because I know it is a good thing for me to do- you can't get weight training anywhere else and I know that muscle strength is extremely important .in overall fitness,weight loss and well being
I have a hobby that I love (papercraft/cardmaking) but now that my kids no longer live at home I struggle to keep my life in balance- I think I could quite easily turn into a hermit and never go out of the house again because I am so happy in my craft room and sharing what I do with like minded others on the computer!!
I feel a bit lost and "off track" with my life at the moment..not as bad as "depressed" but not great either
I have a casual/part time job ...but I am not happy with it- but need to stay there for at least the next 9 months
My DH's work situation is stressful at th moment and things are likely to get worse